about me

Freshman year I got another gym membership, I started going with my friend, one of my best friends still. I was grounded at the time and that was about the only thing I could do out of the house. After a while the motivation died down and we stopped going as much, until sophomore year. During the summer between freshman and sophomore year I was at a very low point. I had no appetite and lost ~5 lbs in a week. At this point I was so mentally and physically drained.
At the beginning of sophomore year, I came to a major realization that I needed to for real start taking care of myself better. I started going to the gym everyday for a while, then it lessened to 5 to 6 times a week. I ended up starting a workout guide which boosted my motivation and grind. I pushed myself to get better mentally and physically. I prioritized myself more than ever. In this time I grew so much and learned so much about myself. This is where it all started. The gym was my escape, it was my therapy. This is around the time I started my personal fitness Instagram lindseyxburt.
Junior year I got into a relationship with my current boyfriend. We both have a passion for fitness and kept each other pushing and motivated. We have grown so much together and are always pushing each other to be the best possible. I would not be where I am today without him. In the past few years I have learned and grown so much, and that is why I wanted to start this business. I want to help people that don’t know where to start - because I’ve been there. I want to grow alongside all of my customers and learn from each other. Let me help you start your fitness journey and let’s grow together!!
let's connect on social media
questions or concerns?
email: builtbylinds@gmail.com